Tigers Eye Crystal Bath Bomb w/Organic Coconut Oil
Like all of our bath bombs, this is carefully created from all-natural ingredients such as Organic Coconut Oil, Essential oils and only the use of herbs, clays and flowers for colorants.
*How to Use:
- Draw yourself a nice warm bath
- Prepare your perfect setting by grabbing a cup of tea, playing soothing music, lighting candles or incense, dimming the lights, etc
- Hold the bath bomb in your hands and get excited about the energy that the crystal brings and any intentions you've set
- Drop your bath bomb into the tub and ease your way in making sure not to step or sit on your crystal
- Relax and breathe deeply imagining your body soaking up all the beautiful energy from the crystal and essential oils
- Soak for as long as you'd like
- When finished and exiting the bath be sure to remove your stone before draining
- Pat dry to keep coconut oil on your skin after bath
- As you are drying and the bath water is draining, visualize all things that don’t serve you being dried or wash away down the drain
- Take a moment to say "Thank you" for this experience and carry the amazing feeling with you for the rest of your day
-Treating yourself to a crystal bath once a month is a great way to maintain balance in your physical, emotional, and mental body.
*Post-Bath Crystal Care and Use:
- Be sure to thoroughly dry your crystal with a soft towel after the bath
Ingredients: Tigers Eye Crystal, Baking Soda, Corn Starch, Citric Acid, Epsom Salt, Organic Coconut Oil, Orange/Fennel Essential Oil, corn flowers, dead sea clay Water.
*Storage: Bath bombs keep the longest in an air tight container.
*Pat dry after bath to keep hydrating coconut oil on your skin.*